
Fruit Kabobs with Orange Creamsicle Fruit Dip

May 1, 2017 | by Jocie (email) |

These fruit kabobs with Orange Creamsicle Fruit Dip are a GAME CHANGER! Seriously. I made them the other day and let my kids have them for snack when they got home and now all the fruit in my house is GONE! And I shop at Costco, so this is a significant amount we’re talking about. I had to stop them from eating it with a spoon. LOL. The down side is that now they want all their food on sticks. Last night, Lucy, my 6-year-old, made herself a fruit kabob and then proceeded to use her skewers to eat her soup. SOUP! 

But for real, this dip is legit. Unlike a lot of the other fruit dips out there that are packed with processed sugar, cool whip (chemicals!) or marshmallow fluff, this dip is all real food approved! So while you shouldn’t eat an entire recipe all by yourself, you don’t need to feel bad about giving it to your kids as an after school snack, in moderation, of course.

Oh and I forgot to mention, I used my favorite little oils! Young Living Vitality Oils are FDA approved for ingestion and Young Living’s Seed to Seal commitment ensures you won’t be putting any synthetics or pesticides in your body. But why use oils in your cooking? I mean, can’t you just use zest or extract? Well, sure you can! But I love to use my oils because I don’t always have the fresh ingredients on hand and also the oils taste like the most fresh, sweetest, juiciest version, without any of the hassle of cutting, washing, or juicing. So why not?!

Oh, and I told my daughter I would share with you some of her crazy “I want to eat all the fruit dip” pictures. Seriously, look at those crazy eyes. She’s such a nut, just like her mama.

Orange Creamsicle Fruit Dip
Serves 8
This Orange Creamsicle Fruit Dip is a delicious and healthy dessert option for your next cook out or even for after school snacks!
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Prep Time
5 min
Prep Time
5 min
  1. 8 oz Cream Cheese
  2. 1 cup Heavy Cream
  3. 2 tsp Vanilla
  4. 2 Tbsp Maple Syrup
  5. 8-10 drops Orange Vitality Essential Oil
  1. Place all ingredients in mixing bowl and begin mixing slowly so they don't slosh out of the bowl. Then, as the cream cheese mixes with the liquids, increase speed until mixture thickens. Refrigerate until read to serve and enjoy.
Adapted from 100 Days of Real Food
One Project Closer

Plan Your Cook Out with YLEO

Do you love using your Young Living Vitality Oils in your cooking? I do! They give the freshest flavors without all the fuss of having to run out to the store. And the tiniest bit packs such a BIG flavor! 

I’ve teamed up with lots of top bloggers to bring you a host of great ideas and recipes for your next Summer Cook Out. 

Raspberry Lime Popsicles

Cowboy Caviar Dip


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Join us tonight for a super fun Facebook Party where we will be sharing all these recipes, our own tips and videos, plus lots of giveaways! Click here to RSVP and attend here!

What do you think? What’s your favorite fruit to pair with this amazing Orange Creamsicle Fruit Dip?

As Always, thanks for reading!


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