Another fabulous Before and After Contest week passed and there were lots of amazing projects to be seen! Hooray! We hope you join us again tomorrow night at 10 pm EST for another Before and After weekly contest with a NEW co-host.
Week 4 Winner
Last week our honorable co-host and judge was Jessica from Mom4Real. She chose the big weekly winner to be Laura from Our Prairie Home! Laura will receive a $50 gift card and $100 will be donated to Habitat for Humanity in her honor. She will also be in the running for the grand prize at the end of the summer! woot woot.
Little Girl Room Reveal from Our Prairie Home
Features from Week 4
There were so many amazing projects linked up last week and we really appreciate you joining with us to promote Habitat for Humanity and celebrate DIY. Here were a few of my faves:
Back porch Makeover from Southern State of Mind
Mint Painted Nightstand from Making Home Base
DIY Pergola from That’s What Che Said
Turquoise Nightstand from Drab to Fab Design
Weekly Ad Winner
Every week we pick a random link party goer to receive free ad space for the week. Its our way for saying “thanks” and we hope you’ll come back. 🙂 This week’s winner is The Pin Junky for her fabulous laundry room makeover.
Grab a Button
If you were featured, we would love for you to grab a button and tell your friends! Hope to see you back tomorrow night for another great party!
<div align="center"><a href="https://www.oneprojectcloser.com/before-after-diy-contest-2013/" title="The Humble Brag Supporting Habitat for Humanity"><img src="https://www.oneprojectcloser.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/H4Hbutton2013.jpg" alt="The Humble Brag Supporting Habitat for Humanity" style="border:none;" /></a></div> |
<div align="center"><a href="https://www.oneprojectcloser.com/before-after-diy-contest-2013/" title="Featured on The Humble Brag"><img src="https://www.oneprojectcloser.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/H4Hfeatured2013.jpg" alt="Featured on The Humble Brag" style="border:none;" /></a></div> |
As Always, thanks for reading and we hope you loved these before and after contest DIY projects,
Thanks so much for picking my laundry room makeover as the weekly add winner! This is such a great contest that benefits a very worthwhile cause! Thank you!
Thank you so, so much for choosing my little girl’s room reveal as the weekly winner! H4H is such a wonderfully worthwhile cause and one of my favorites! Thanks again!