Valentine’s Day is coming up and I love this holiday! Not so much with my husband, although I do love him and enjoy making him small gifts. Truth be told, we don’t do much to celebrate the holiday between us – some years we go out to dinner, some years we get each other small gifts, but mostly we try to show love year round and not get swept up with the commercial hype. That being said, I love celebrating with my girls! I love all the Valentine’s and showing friends how important they are with a small card or gift. I also really love decorating for Valentine’s Day, because who doesn’t love the joyful pink and red combo? And of course, I gotta do a Hand Lettered Valentine, because seriously, let’s hand letter ALL. THE. THINGS.
I was walking the Dollar Spot at Target (loving everything, needing nothing) and saw these gorgeous, unfinished wood hearts. Immediately, I was like, let’s hand letter this mother. This past year, I’ve just started wood burning and its been fun although a bit of a learning curve. I’ll give you my tips below but trust me, you’ve got this! Also, I’m providing you with printable stencils, so this really doesn’t have to be a difficult project. Once you print the stencil, its a ten minute project! WOOT for fast, cheap and easy (that’s what he said!).
DIY Wood Burned Sign
First up, here’s a list of materials you will need. I’ve linked them up on Amazon, so you can easily order them for yourselves. (These are affiliate links, which means I will receive a very small portion of your purchase. Thank you so much for supporting us!)
Materials Needed:
- [amazon_textlink asin=’B005P1TRAS’ text=’Wood Burning Tool, rounded tip’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’opcwp-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’bae7c878-0823-11e8-ac24-6f703931654a’]
- [amazon_textlink asin=’B077BZJVRP’ text=’Carbon Transfer Paper’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’opcwp-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’cffc0e86-0823-11e8-9a0d-316d68553c41′]
- Pencil
- Printable stencil, found below
- Wood Heart Sign from target Dollar Spot (or you can make your own!)
Project Time: 10-15 minutes
Project Cost: $1 -3
Wood Burning the Valentine
Below is a video showing each of the steps, but here’s the how-to, along with a few tips.
- Print off one of the stencils below, or HAND LETTER YOU OWN! Before printing, make sure the stencil is sized correctly for your heart. I bought my wooden hearts at Target for $1 (small) and $3 (big), so just be sure it fits on the heart.
- Place transfer paper dark, shiny side down on the heart, then place the printed design on top. Gently crease the sides of the paper around the heart to make sure the design is centered.
- Gently trace the design with pencil using medium pressure.
- Remove the paper and transfer paper.
- Turn on wood burner and turn heat all the way up!
- Trace the design using a rounded tip. If there is build up on the tip, use sandpaper to lightly brush it off, being careful to not touch the tip with you fingers.
- Use light to medium pressure and long, smooth strokes to trace the design. Let the tool do the work. You don’t want to use pressure to create the design.
DIY Wood Burned Conversation Heart Signs:
Free Printable Stencils
Love the Hand Lettered Valentine Conversation Heart Sign but don’t want the hassle of hand lettering? I’ve got your free printables here, so all you have to do is print it off (format it to fit whatever size heart you are working with). ENJOY!
*Printables are for personal use only and are not to be altered or sold. Thank you!
What do you think? What will you be writing in this fabulous DIY watercolor journal?
As Always, thanks for reading!
Jocie Hagan
One Project Closer
Another great idea for hand lettering! Love the use of wood burning tool!
Love how these hearts look. Don’t know if our Target will have them but maybe can get Mr.Furry to cut some hearts for me at home. Too often by the time I get to Target the good stuff is long gone. We live few miles west of Grand Junction so with gas going back up we don’t run to town too often. Only less than great aspect of living out in rural area. makes us use our imagination to figure out what else can be used.
Your wood hearts look so pretty with great wood burning in words. Thanks for providing stencils for making letters as nice as yours on wood with wood burning tool.
Have great week
Thank you for these printable s I have a wood burner and have been making designs around window , now I can make other signs.