Looking to get your product out in the spotlight? You’ve come to the right place! Every day, consumers are turning to the new media–independent blogs like this one–to get information on the products and services that will improve their lives.
One Project Closer offers a unique partnership opportunity for home improvement companies looking to gain exposure for their products and services. With a tremendous number of unique visits each month, and a subscribership comprising people interested in home improvement topics, our blog can provide you or your customer a venue to get their product known at a very inexpensive price.
How do I get a Product or Service Reviewed?
There’s no long approval process to get your product into the spotlight. Simply e-mail advertising@oneprojectcloser.com and we’ll start the process.
For products: All you’ll need to do is ship the product directly to us. (Note: Products are non-returnable). E-mail us for shipping information and details.
For services: Contact us to arrange a demonstration of your service. Note: We are located in Baltimore County, MD.
Benefits of Product and Service Reviews
- Exposure to thousands of readers & searchers.
- Review that emphasizes the positive aspects of your product while acknowledging limitations that would make the product ineffective for certain uses.
- Article remains on the site in perpetuity, and is often ranked very high in search engine results with links back to your product’s information and sales pages.
- High benefit-to-cost ratio; requires you only send a product and pay shipping.