
5 Minutes or Less: Mirror Makeover

July 8, 2013 | by Jocie (email) |

I have been on a serious living room kick in the past few weeks, including this fab five-minute mirror makeover. 

Painted Mirror Makeover from OPC The Better Half

Back before I painted, here was the living room. Lots of golds and browns – very warm and cozy. I didn’t hate it, but was ready for a change and was eager to use more blues.

Before - OPC The Better Half

I did paint the room an icy blue and had planned to use a lot of neutrals and whites in the room. You know that white washed thing is so popular right now. But, in reality, it’s not totally me. I like adding a little color with it. I ended up painting a herringbone scrap wood art for the living room a few weeks ago, and that suddenly helped focus my plan.


When I thought I was going with neutrals, I bought this fabulous, large clock from Pier 1 and was about to get rid of my mirror. I’m so glad I didn’t. I returned the clock (sigh), and decided to paint the frame of the mirror instead. Here’s a close-up of the “before.”

"before" mirror - OPC The Better Half

I grabbed some turquoise latex paint I bought for the room and added some Plaster of Paris, to help the paint adhere to the metal. Then, with a dry brush, I lightly painted the frame of the mirror. I didn’t want to use too much paint because I wanted the frame to look antique and allow the dark, brassy color to show.

Painted Mirror Makeover from OPC The Better Half

Seriously, it was that easy. Very sloppily brush on some paint. Allow to dry. Then hang. DONE!

Painted Mirror Makeover from OPC The Better Half

I’m super excited how it turned out. Here’s a little preview of the mantle.

Painted Mirror Makeover from OPC The Better Half

Check out my potpourri birdcage. LOVE THAT!!

Potpourri Birdcage - OPC The Better Half

And I bought this little ladder when I went to Luckett’s with my friend Liz, Naptime Decorator, for the Hometalk Meet-up. I think I spent only a few dollars on it. It was a steal!

Ladder with bird from OPC The Better Half

And of course, my sweet little painted mason jars with flowers I showed you earlier this week.

Painted Mason Jars from OPC The Better Half

What do you think? What items have you given a makeover recently?

Hope you enjoyed my 5 minutes or Less Mirror Makeover,

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15 Responses
  1. Mary Sue Paulis says:

    The mirror looks great! What a great addition to add more color!

  2. paintergal says:

    Ah, you are a girl after my own heart. I, too, have been changing things out for blue. I blogged about it here,

  3. I love the updated mirror, Jocie- the blue looks so fresh and pretty. In my house, if it isn’t purple, it’s probably blue! 🙂

  4. Love the mirror! I especially like how you applied the paint to make it look a bit aged. =)

  5. Oooo, I love that little bit of brown peeking through! And that potpourri bird cage is TOO cute!

  6. OurPinterestingFamily says:

    Looks so beautiful, Jocie!

  7. Lynn says:

    Oh yes it looks amazing….love it!!

  8. Vanessa says:

    Love how bright and fresh it all looks. And that bookcase, looove the bookcase!

  9. Ashley says:

    Love your mantle! It’s so fresh looking!

  10. Shannon says:

    I love the color! And the distressed look 🙂

  11. Naomi says:

    Jocie this absolutely stunning! What a great choice!!! It really makes the room pop!

  12. Simone says:

    Hi Jocie, it’s absolutely beautiful! Love the color you chose.

  13. cassie says:

    love the new color- so pretty and really softens it!

  14. JustME says:

    I love simple make overs like your mirror Jocie. A little paint sure can make a big difference, can’t it? I looks so pretty with all your other things on your mantel too.

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