I’ve returned from the Delta/Brizo Faucet event in Indianapolis loaded with notes and information, so I expect there will be future posts as we try out and review more of their products here at OPC – which we are eager to do! But in the meantime, having now visited their headquarters and met with many of their company leaders, as well as already having one of their Touch2O faucets in our home, I’m ready to present some of the highlights of the Delta and Brizo brands. We’ll start with Delta today. Look for Brizo later in the week. General Impressions: That Delta set aside the time to invite all of us to their headquarters for this media event set my expectations of their products pretty high. I was not disappointed. The care taken to impact the industry with their innovations, to reach a broad customer base with their designs, and to sell faucets that are long-lasting and of good quality stuck out in each seminar we attended. They have a remarkably energetic, dedicated and friendly team there, too. And that pays off in the products we, the consumers, bring into our homes. Delta’s Technological Advantages: H2OKinetic Technology – We got to play with this one while we were there at DFC headquarters, and I can tell you from my “hands in” experience that there is a big difference between faucet technology that uses smaller droplets in a straight-line-emerging fashion and what Delta has done. The wave pattern and larger droplets do generate better coverage, even while using less water (because you can’t “dodge between the drops” even with your little finger the way their faucets work).

Ethan has already covered H2OKinetic Technology in a prior post and caught this great shot of the water pattern in his shower:

But, by all means, check out Delta’s video, too:
[Video Credit: Delta Faucet]This is definitely something I want in our house when we get to remodeling our showers. Touch2O Technology – We’ve already touted this great faucet innovation. For kitchens and for baths, how great is it to be able to turn on a faucet with the touch of an arm, back of the hand, or whatever body part works best when your hands are covered in dirt or germs? [The amusement of watching your friends and guests try to figure the faucet out the first time they come to your house is a secondary benefit.] 🙂
Diamond Seal Technology – Using a diamond coating on their valves gives the faucets more durability over time (they claim in writing “up to 5 million uses”) as well as a smoother range of movement as you maneuver the faucet handle. With their Diamond Seal, Delta has also made the switch to all-in-one PEX-C (polyetheline, crosslinked) tubing and enclosed valves, which eliminate joint and seal leaks and also make installation much simpler.
MagnaTite Docking – For their pull-down spray nozzles, magnets on both the nozzle and spout ensure that that nozzle stays put when you’re done using it and doesn’t start to sag out of place over time:
[Video credit: Delta Faucet]Notes on Installation: About mid-way through our day at Delta, the good people there decided it was time for a mixer/game. And no, it was none of this “facts about the attendees Bingo” nonsense, either. It was Faucet Installation time. Kitchen Faucets and Lavatory Faucets. In groups of 3. Here’s my team. We rocked the installations, if I do say so myself.

That’s Jonathan Sweeney from Housing Zone on the left and Tim Layton from The Remodeling Guy on the right. We took turns being the one lying in the bottom of the base cabinet as we installed and then un-installed our kitchen Touch faucet and then the bathroom faucet. And while it’s never totally comfortable to be lying in a cabinet, facing up and hoping nothing drips on you, these faucets are simpler to install than others I’ve worked with. Having the PEX-C tubing already built into the faucet eliminates having to also purchase hot and cold water connections to go with your faucet. And the PEX-C is flexible, so it’s easier to match up to your hot and cold sources than copper tubing is. Design Details: Of everything I learned while at Delta, the amount of resources and attention they invest toward design was the most surprising. They actively seek to tie in their faucet designs to current and (as best they can tell) up-and-coming fashion and home decor trends. Their designers literally travel the world to get ideas, and the effort shows in their Delta faucet lines (their Brizo lines are even more remarkable, so stay tuned for those as well!)

Where to Buy Delta Faucets are available at many local and national home project supply stores as well as kitchen and bath showrooms. To find one near you, check the Delta Faucet Retailer Locator. I’ll be back in a few days with Brizo – Delta’s upscale brand. Quite nice, so come on back to read about them, too!
[header photo credit: Charles and Hudson]
Kim – It was great to meet you at the event! I completely agree with your comments on the design, it was unreal to see how much time/thought/research goes in to the design of these faucets.
They’ve totally turned me into a faucet-snob now. Go figure.
Hey Kit! Ditto on the faucet snobbery. And I thought I was a low-maintenance kind of girl… sigh. 🙂